Thursday 29 May 2014

Space links

Here are some awesome links to pages we have looked at a little bit in class:

This is a great youtube channel for seeing what life is like for astronauts, and how gravity works:

What are your favourites? Add any more good links you find!

Tuesday 20 May 2014

Room sixes awesome planets

Sneaky Ms Ryder hid the instructions to see what we
could do! 
We worked out which sizes and colours to use (and then we got the instructions out to put the wire in)
 By Annie & Edie

Uranus facts

Did you know:

  • Uranus is the third biggest planet
  • Uranus was the second planet that was discovered (after earth)
  • Uranus is sometimes barely visible with the unaided eye on a very clear night
  • Uranus was an ancient greek deity (god) of the heavens
  • Uranus is the only planet that spins on it's side

By Benji & Lachie

Monday 19 May 2014

our awesome planet

 Here are some facts about Earth 
.A force called gravity keeps all the Planets on their paths or orbits around the sun the Earth takes a year to make one  complete path
.As far as we know Earth is the only planet in the solar system were there is life and the land is almost completely covered in ice .   
.The part of Earth facing the sun have day and parts that light doesn't reach have night .
.Our Earth is one of the smallest planets in the solar system its smaller than Jupiter
.Our planet is the only one we know that has water on it and water is the reason we have life on Earth as far as we know there are no other plants or animals anywhere else

By Edie and Amelie

Mercury facts

Mercury orbits the sun in 88 Earth day's.
It take's Mercury 59 Earth day's to spin around once.
at night it is 200 degres c.
Mercury is the smallest planet  in our solar system
mercury is the first planet in our solar system
Bo Finn and Robbie

Sunday 18 May 2014

Jupiter- The biggest planet

Did you know Jupiter has 67 moons.

Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system. 

Jupiter is a gas giant he is made of  gas and helium 

Jupiter is the fifth  planet from the sun. 

By Harvey & Liam

The furthest planet from the sun


Is the furthest away from the Sun and the Earth.
It will take you 200 years to get there on a jet plane.

Neptune's  largest moon triton has an atmosphere and a magnetic field which are two features of a planet.    
 Did you know that Neptune has 13 moons around    him.

By Brianna & Charlie

Thursday 15 May 2014


Mars has 2 moons did you no the temperature on mars is 20 degrees celcius . Mars is the 4th planet from the sun it is the only red planet. Mars is named after the roman god of war.

By Freddie, Alex and Otto

Tuesday 13 May 2014

Outer Space: "We are the Planets," The Solar System Song by StoryBots


Did you know

.Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system
.You could not breath  on Venus
.On Venus  there  is volcanoes and mountains
.It is the evil twin  of  earth
.It has no moons
by Annie ,  Ava and Maggie

Monday 12 May 2014

Facts about Saturn

We have been looking at Saturn and it's moons.  This is a really good website about it's moons:

Did you know:

  • That Saturn was first seen through a telescope by Galileo in 1610
  • You can't land on Saturn's rings because they are made of little rocks
  • Saturn has 18 moons
By Luc, Siena  & Maia

Cross Country Champs!

Everyone did such a great job in the cross country yesterday! it was a beautiful day, and everyone gave their best effort.  These Room 6 people got in the top 3 in their year groups!!
Congratulations everyone who participated.

Wednesday 7 May 2014

FORTUNATELY, THE MILK by Neil Gaiman -- Book Trailer

Meet the author of Fortunately the Milk- and watch the illustrator draw a picture of Professor Steg:

Incredible live footage from the International Space Station!

Today we looked at earth from the international space station.  It looks so cool- some people thought it looked a bit freaky too.  We saw lots of clouds & ocean, some ice, land and a lake.  See if you can spot NZ sometime.

Here is a cool website to find out more information about space:

Sunday 4 May 2014

Planets in our solar system

Here is the video that we started to look at today- heaps of facts and interesting information.  I hope it will help us work out what to do with all the bits in our solar system model kit!!